2025-2026 Scholarships/PEGs are delayed and will not be available until March, please check back early March for application information and dates.
2024-2025 Bloomsburg Foundation Scholarships
for Current Bloomsburg Students
Opens: late January, 2024 Deadline: March 1st, 2024
Who can apply: 2nd semester freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students who are currently enrolled at Bloomsburg
*Lock Haven and Mansfield students will need to visit their campus foundations for scholarship applications
New Freshman for Fall 2024 - no scholarship application is needed! Scholarships are automatically awarded by Admissions, visit https://www.commonwealthu.edu/cost-scholarships-aid for more information.
Students only need to complete ONE application to apply for ALL scholarships at Bloomsburg. Scholarships are awarded based on various criteria such as GPA, major, minor, clubs, and financial need. Some scholarships are one-time awards while others may be renewable. Scholarships that require financial need require you to submit the 2024-2025 FAFSA at https://studentaid.gov/. Please view the instructions for additional scholarship information.
Bloomsburg Professional Experience Grants
*Lock Haven and Mansfield students will need to visit their respective campus PEG application
Professional Experience Grants, or PEGs, provide funding to pursue professional experiences in the "real world." PEGs specifically help you afford career-bridging experiences like internships, study abroad, and faculty mentored research. These experiences get you involved in your career path while you learn about the world and work alongside colleagues and faculty members. To help offset some of the cost of participating in these experiences, Bloomsburg offers the Professional U Professional Experience Grant. All Bloomsburg students may apply for financial assistance.
To apply: log in below and complete the "Professional Experience Grant Application", note this is a separate application than the regular Bloomsburg scholarship application. FAQ's and contact information can be found here.
Deadline: The 2025-2026 application is not yet available, check back in March for more information. The 2024-2025 application for Summer 2024 & Fall 2024 experiences will open January 1st, 2024, the deadline will be March 1st, 2024. The deadline for Winter/Spring 2025 experiences is October 1st, 2024. Please see FAQ's regarding late application submissions.
I Need Help Paying! Application
This application is for Bloomsburg campus students with a remaining balance due, who are looking for information on additional financial aid and payment options available at Bloomsburg. Those who have exhausted all options and have experienced an emergency or unexpected financial circumstance will also be able to complete an emergency funding essay as part of the application. To apply click the log in button below. If you have questions about your financial aid please email financialaid@commonwealthu.edu or call 570-389-4297, for billing and payment questions email studentbilling@commonwealthu.edu or call 570-389-4013.
Use the Log In button below to access any of the above applications
To apply you must log in using the "Apply or Log in" button below and enter your university username and password. You can save your application and return to this site to work on your application as many times as needed before the deadline..
Questions: Please contact Ms. Amanda Kern, Financial Aid (570) 389-4297
, akern@commonwealthu.edu, or visit the Financial Aid Office in the Arts & Administration Building.
Committee Member PDF Guide
Scholarship Flyer
PEG Flyer